Gitkraken Boards Jira


Integrations are available with top Git hosting service providers and issue trackers such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, Jira Cloud/Server, GitKraken Boards, and Trello (Self-Hosted and Stand-Alone license options available). GitKraken Boards. GitKraken Boards offers an easy way for developers to track individual and team tasks. To access Pull Requests, click the Connect to GitHub button, login to GitHub, and authorize GitKraken Boards. Once connected, select the repo (s) you'd like to connect to GitKraken Boards through the dropdown menu populated with your GitHub hosted repos. Connect to as many repos as you wish!

  1. Gitkraken Boards Jira Login
  2. Gitkraken Boards Jira Download

Plus graph columns for commit message, author, date/time, SHA, & more

Now it’s time to key up the epic updates you can look forward to enjoying with GitKraken v7.4. 🔑

GitKraken v7.4: Now with Google Sign In & Graph Columns

Sign In with Google

Chances are you’ve enjoyed the convenience of Google sign in with other software products. You can expect the process in GitKraken to work very much the same.

If you have a Google account, you may select Sign in with Google when prompted to sign in to your GitKraken account; no need to remember any additional login credentials!

New Graph Columns

Gitkraken boards jira download

These new columns will fit in your graph like a lock and key. 🔐

GitKraken’s central graph now has columns! Default UI settings now include column headers for Branch/Tag, Graph, and Commit Message.

If you right-click on a header, you will pull up a context menu that gives you the ability to add additional column headers:

  • Commit Author
  • Commit Date/Time
  • Commit SHA

From the context menu, simply click to add or remove these column headers, or drag-&-drop to resize or rearrange column order.

Alternatively, click the gear icon ⚙️ on the far right of the column headers to add author, date/time, and/or SHA. You may also navigate to PreferencesUI Customization.

These column headers will help eyes quickly understand the information in front of them, and can be particularly useful for large repos with numerous contributors.

Play around with turning headers on and off. It’s likely you will find the optional author, date/time, and SHA columns helpful situationally throughout your workflow. Simply turn them on and off in just two clicks.

Draft Pull Requests for GitHub Users


GitHub users can now create and save draft pull requests directly from GitKraken. You will now see a Submit as draft checkbox when creating a pull request from GitKraken; check that box to save the PR you’re working on as a draft.


Draft pull requests can be helpful for preventing someone from merging work accidentally, and can be useful if you want to get eyes on a really big feature but aren’t ready to save your work in its current state.

Gitkraken Boards Jira Login

Assigning People to Pull Requests


Gitkraken Boards Jira Download

Now, when selecting an assignee or reviewer for a GitHub pull request, or an assignee for a GitLab pull request, the dropdown menu will display the user’s name and username.

Filter Auto-Complete for GitHub Issues

GitHub users will now enjoy auto-complete suggestions when creating or editing filters for issues through the GitHub Issues integration in GitKraken.

GitKraken is the Key to a Better Workflow

Now with Google sign in and graph columns, GitKraken offers even more convenience and visibility into your Git projects. Enjoy these updates and all the incredible features the GitKraken Git GUI has to offer.

GitKraken helps developers feel more confident working with Git. Download GitKraken, now with graph columns and Google sign in, free today.

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