Evernote Handwritten Notes


Evernote and us share a common goal — empower you to ‘Go paperless!’. Evernote is an awesome cloud and note-taking company, and we have partnered with these fine folks since 2010. Over the years, we have become excellent citizens of their app ecosystem for handwritten notes. Read on to know more.

Auto-Publish to Evernote

Have all your important notebooks saved into Evernote, effortlessly. Sit back and relax, we will do the publishing for you. Check out this video to know how to enable this powerful feature in Noteshelf 2.

Evernote - Search Handwritten notes. Evernote has some OCR capabilities that allow you to search for text within hand-wri. How get your digital handwritten notes into Evernote and searchable. Get yourself enrolled in my FREE Beginners Guide To C.O.D online course and start using.

Important things to note:

Evernote Handwritten Notes
  1. There are monthly limitations to the data you can send to Evernote (60mb limit for the free account, as of today). So, keep this only to important notes. Hence we have confined this setting to notebook-level.
  2. Do not think of Evernote as a way to backup your notes, because you can’t restore the files deleted on Noteshelf using Evernote auto-publish. We provide other options for backup that you can choose from.

Evernote Handwriting Recognition

All your notes anywhere, everywhere!

Handwritten Notes With Evernote

Once set up, you can access all your handwritten notes not only on iPhones and iPads but also on your Mac or Windows desktop, Android tablets or phones via the Evernote app.

Handwritten notes with evernote

All you have to do is, enable ‘Evernote Publish’ in your notebook. Your handwritten notes become accessible from just about everywhere.

Evernote Scan Handwritten Notes

Search your handwriting!

Searching your handwritten notes taken on Noteshelf 2 need not be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Evernote’s powerful search engine diligently tries to make sense of your handwriting and make it searchable. Just one more smart feature that saves you time and energy!

Coming Soon:

How cool it would be if your handwritten text becomes searchable inside Noteshelf 2!
Evernote Handwritten Notes

In a nutshell, Noteshelf excels in taking handwritten notes and Evernote makes them more accessible and searchablethis power combo is something you must not miss!

If you are new to Evernote, we encourage you to create an account and try using it with Noteshelf. If you are an existing Evernote user who did not try this yet, we recommend you try this right away!

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