

Nov 13, 2020 What is SwiftDefaultApps for Mac This Preference pane is chiefly intended to be a modern replacement for the amazing RCDefaultApp developed way back when by Carl Lindberg, which stopped working in 10.12 due to deprecation of ObjC Garbage collection. Thunderlink is a fantastically useful add-on for the Thunderbird mail user agent. It lets you create links to email that you can put into all sorts of documents (like ToDo lists or notes). The links use the URI scheme thunderlink that needs to be handled by whatever mechanism you use to open URIs. On macOS, one way of registering this URI scheme is to use an application like SwiftDefaultApps. Even SwiftDefaultApps seems to be flaky quite often and don't show many UTIs etc. There's another alternative 'Duti' which is a CLI tool that does basically the same. An alternative is SwiftDefaultApps. For example, here's SVN and SSH: and in RCDefaultApp: Related Question. Windows – OS X equivalent of Windows Run box. All of which is background information to the fact that Gregorio Litenstein has created a handy new Preference pane that allows you to change these mappings. It’s written in the Swift language, and so is called SwiftDefaultApps. If you have Homebrew installed, you can get it easily with. Brew install -cask swiftdefaultappsprefpane.

I've been reading a lot online about custom URL handlers / custom protocol handlers such as:

I get that you can tell the system that a particular program is able to handle a certain scheme / protocol with the Info.plist file:

But if there are multiple applications that are capable of opening the same URL handler, such as mailto: how do you specify which one you want the system to use?

There were some references to utilities like the More Internet preference pane which no longer seems to be available from the author's site. I did find it online by Googling but it seems a bit shaky – like it was written for an older OSX – perhaps Tiger.

I haven't been able to find information on how to set the URL handler for protocols and custom protocols. I'm assuming there is a plist file somewhere that I can edit – or maybe there is a newer, better utility that works well with Mountain Lion?

Swift Default Apps List

Apple has always made its own apps the default for web browsing, word processing, and the like. For common formats like .csv and .txt, this means that Numbers and TextEdit are used rather than apps like Excel and BBEdit. Organizations that require the use of certain software or that want to give users the ability to set this themselves is not terribly straightforward.

Swift Default Apps Yahoo

While users can always right-click a file to choose an alternate app to open with, this is only a one-time change.


Normally this is change permanently via the Finder’s ‘Get Info’ menu option:

  1. Select a desired file from the Finder and select File > Get Info from the menubar (or use the ⌘I keyboard shortcut).
  2. In the Get Info window, select the dropdown in the ‘Open with’ section and choose the desired app to open the file type with instead.
  3. Click the ‘Change all’ button to use the desired app for all files, not just the selected file, with the same file type.
  4. Confirm in the prompt that appears you want to make this change.
  5. Verify the change is made by the ‘(default)’ indication adjacent to the specified app.

To address the user-dependent nature of these changes from the Finder, we use an open-source tool called SwiftDefaultApps to set our organizational default apps for specific URL schemes (ex. https, mailto) and UTIs. Drivers trane controls usb devices. Big shout out to Lord-Kamina for developing this awesome tool!


See past the jump for more info.

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